Friday, February 26, 2010

The new PB Catalog....

Oh Pottery Barn...why do you tease me and capture my heart each and every month with your catalog? I was perfectly happy with my dining room just one hour ago and now all of a sudden I feel the need to hang very large keys around the perimeter and then put a large bushel of green hydrangeas in the middle. Just last month, you told me it was cool to have empty bird nest with pale eggs and a chalkboard wall. Make up your mind PB- you are making me broke.

This is an every 3 or 4 week ordeal for me. I am one of "those" people who has to change their duvet/bedspread every month. I feel the need to pile up all of my accessories in the middle of a room and "rearrange" them every quarter. I get bored looking at the same paint colors and furniture. You can see the problem in this.....right?
And actually come to think of it we do need outdoor furniture. Well the word "need" might be slightly overrated here. Perhaps the word "want" would be better. It looks like we now have plans for the weekend....SHOPPING!!! Hearth and Patio here we come....
Don't you just want to sit on this couch and drink a glass of that yummy water with lime? I could see me chillin' on that couch while NT grills and the pets play in the yard. Spring and Summer please hurry!

1 comment:

  1. At least you get the family discount...imagine if you paid full price? It is a great catalogue, esp. with your porch and deck.
