Thursday, January 7, 2010

Color me yellow

What color would you be if you could choose? My friend Kristen said after seeing the name of my blog she woke up the next morning feeling like the color Green. So I decided to do some research on what colors mean. First, think of what color you feel like right now-I normally feel like yellow. Here are my findings:

Red: Excitement, energy, passion, desire, speed and strength

Yellow: Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope and sunshine

Blue: Peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity and trust

Orange: Energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm and vibrant

Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, spring and generosity
Purple Royalty, nobility, spirituality, mysterious, transformation and wisdom

Gray : Security, reliability, intelligence, dignity, maturity, conservative andpractical

Brown: hearth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, simplicity, and comfort.

White: purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, precision, innocence and good

Black: Power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth and style

Then I found this website that has a color test. First choose the box below that you are attracted to. Then when you click on the link (and the color block again you will find out what it means)
Here is the link:

My color came back as this:
Extroverted Personality Style (EPS) means that your preferred role is "life of the party." You actively seek out other people, and are at your best in social situations in which you can meet new people and bring other people together. People who know you are drawn to your genuine interest in other people. In that way, you are probably the ultimate "people person."


  1. Lauren's color:
    High Sensation Seeking (HSS) means that you really enjoy high-energy, thrill-seeking kinds of activities. You seldom follow the crowd. Your idea of a good time is a thrilling emotional experience that challenges you to the max. Because you seek out high-energy experiences, other people probably think of you as a risk-taker. The people in your life may admire you as an avant-guard, leading-edge kind of individual who is likely to be tuned into new trends ahead of the curve. People are drawn to your adventurous spirit.

    hmm. interesting. Summer - you like yellow b/c you say it funny :)

  2. AM's color: Low Sensation Seeking (LSS) means that you don't feel the need for high-energy, thrill-seeking kinds of activities. A simple, pleasant day in the summer is a wonderful experience for you. Because don't have a need to seek out high-energy experiences, other people probably think of you as a natural down-to-earth person. The people in your life most probably find you a dependable friend, both when life is good and when life is difficult. People are drawn to your genuine spirit.

    hmmm. interesting indeed.
