You know what I am talking about, the point where you go from me being someone who is cool to a dreaded ADULT-yikes. All of a sudden at the party, Chloe didn't want to hang with me or the other "adults" she wanted to hang with her friends. I was left to sit at the adult table--I remember when I still got to be at the "kid table." Hey I still like to color and play Candyland!
However, I will point out that I was still cool enough to be invited to the playroom to build the Buzz Lightyear Lego figure which took me about 1.2 million hours to complete. That little bugger was harder than it looked.
By the way, Chloe Jane is my faux niece. I mean she really is my niece except I don't have a sister but I have a cousin who is like a sister and Chloe is her daughter.
Here are a few pics from the party.
Here is my uncle Jerry-love him. Note it was a Luau theme party.He doesn't just wear this straw out on an average day.
Happy birthday Chloe! Too cute. Silly bands are everywhere! WHY didn't I invent those things?